Community Spotlight: Addy Graves from Cashew

Meet Addy Graves: the spirited co-founder and CEO of Cashew, an innovative company transforming the survey experience for consumers. Alongside her partner-in-crime, Rose Wong, Addy is shaking up the world of market research with a fresh, AI-powered platform that truly represents consumer audiences.

From Corporate Life to Entrepreneurial Dreams

Addy and Rose's journey began at a major market research organization, where they both started their careers on the lottery and gaming research team. As the youngest members, they bonded over shared experiences and corporate woes. Their friendship blossomed, surviving the tears and triumphs of the corporate grind. Eventually, they both left, unable to stomach the rigid corporate structure.

They maintained their close-knit bond even when they took different paths (Addy going agency side at Critical Mass and Rose going client side at ATB), where they delved into market research and marketing design. It was here that Addy noticed a nagging issue: bots and uninterested participants were skewing survey results with gibberish. 

This led to a pivotal question: how could they attract genuine, engaged consumers to surveys?

Realizing that many survey respondents were just in it for the coupons, Addy and Rose felt a disconnect between these participants and the actual consumers of their clients' products. Fueled by frustration and a desire to bridge this gap, they created Cashew: an all-in-one platform designed to offer a delightful survey experience to consumers, all the while providing a guided experience to businesses so they can gain the deep customer understanding they are seeking. 

What's New at Cashew

Cashew has been buzzing with activity. They’ve brought all technical capabilities in-house and appointed a CTO. The team has been tirelessly working on their AI, now capable of handling the entire research process—from intake of customer requests and defining research objectives to designing questionnaires and analyzing results—all seamlessly automated.

Exciting Developments Ahead

Cashew has closed their $1M seed round. This funding will allow them to grow their team and supercharge their marketing efforts. Plus, they graduated from the CDL Rockies Prime Stream and are set to launch a sparkling new website, featuring their enhanced AI platform. 

Big things are on the horizon!

Embracing Synthetic Data

Initially wary of synthetic data, Addy has had a change of heart. She now sees its value in supplementing traditional research, providing confidence in findings when large sample sizes are hard to achieve. Synthetic data helps predict outcomes, making research more robust and accessible. 

Addy believes AI will significantly boost specialized expertise across various industries, making services like legal advice more affordable and accessible to everyone.

Advice for Fellow Founders

Addy’s wisdom for women founders is to keep everything in perspective. She advises prioritizing effectively, listening to the market, and engaging with people to make the most efficient use of time. 

Balancing personal and professional life is crucial; she reflects on the challenges of managing her business while caring for her children. Her key message: "Your business will still be there; prioritize what's important to you."

Headshot of Addy Graves

Addy is passionate about supporting women founders and encourages taking risks and inspiring others. She cheers on initiatives like M51 for fostering a supportive community for women entrepreneurs.

Connect with Addy and Cashew

Discover more about Cashew and their innovative approach to market research by visiting their website or connecting with Addy on LinkedIn

Follow Cashew on social media (LinkedIn, Instagram) for updates on their latest developments and see how they are transforming the survey experience. Dive into the Cashew experience and join the fun!


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