Community Spotlight: Leilani Mustillo from Animal HealthLink

Meet Leilani Mustillo, a dedicated veterinary nurse turned entrepreneur as the founder of Animal HealthLink

For 15 years, Leilani thrived in her career, finding joy and fulfillment in working with animals. However, after the birth of her third child, the high cost of daycare pushed her to the brink of leaving the profession she loved. Faced with a tough choice, she got creative and found a way to revolutionize the vet industry from the comfort of her home.

Revolutionizing Veterinary Care with an Innovative Solution to On-Call Burnout

Leilani’s expertise in critical care and triage was the perfect springboard for her innovative idea.

Curious about why so many of her fellow vet professionals were leaving the field, she discovered that the demands of on-call were the main culprit. Veterinarians and Registered vet techs were working long hours, often without breaks, and then being on-call after clinic hours, leading to burnout and high turnover rates.

Cue Leilani’s lightbulb moment: what if vet techs could work remotely from home, support vets after hours, and still be there for their families? 

Enter Leilani’s game-changing company, Animal HealthLink: a triage service that allows vet clinics to forward their calls after hours to her team of remote nurses.

The Magic of Remote Triage: Transforming After-Hours Vet Care

When a veterinary clinic signs up to Leilani’s service, they forward their after-hours calls to her team. Using pictures, videos, and advanced algorithms, they triage the cases. Only true emergencies are directed to the on-call vet or nearest ER, while 75% of cases are non-urgent and can be scheduled for regular appointments. This system lets vets catch some much-needed Z’s while keeping the revenue from non-emergency cases within the local clinic… Win-win!

Connecting Communities with Telehealth for Northern Indigenous Communities in Canada

Animal HealthLink is on the move! They’ve just launched a telehealth program with Vets Without Borders, aimed at serving northern Indigenous communities in Canada where veterinary care is scarce. This initiative brings essential vet services to the Northwest Territories and Nunavut, where vet care is often hard to find.

Leilani’s Vision for Expanding Animal HealthLink Worldwide

The future is bright for Leilani and her team. They are expanding their footprint in the U.S. and are gearing up to enter the global market in the coming months.

Fundraising might be tough, but Leilani is optimistic about the role technology will play in addressing vet staff shortages and improving patient outcomes worldwide.

Industry Insights Around a Sustainable Future in Vet Care

Leilani Mustillo smiling and holding small dog

Leilani is buzzing with excitement about how tech can transform the vet industry. From better patient outcomes to reducing staff burnout, she sees technology as the key to a more sustainable future for vet care.

Wisdom for Women Founders

Leilani’s journey is packed with wisdom for other women founders.

First, don’t let the pursuit of perfection hold you back. Launch your product and tweak it as you go, engaging directly with your target market. 

Second, be ready to pivot based on market feedback. Stay flexible, and don’t be afraid to make changes to your product or strategy. 

She also emphasizes the power of authenticity in leadership. Forget the old-school “boss” stereotypes; Leilani found that being kind, vulnerable, and true to herself has strengthened her team and business.

Milestones and Miracles

Since launching in January 2021, Leilani’s service has triaged and helped 250,000 patients. With a team of 80 registered veterinary technologists—82% of whom were considering leaving the field before joining—she’s made a huge impact in retaining vet professionals and boosting client services. 

One surprising yet heartwarming outcome of her service has been assisting domestic violence victims. By discreetly providing help during late-night calls, they’ve been able to alert authorities and offer support when it was needed most.

Dreaming Big for What’s Next

Leilani has big dreams for Animal Health Link. She hopes to dive into disaster medicine, offering triage and on-the-ground support during emergencies like wildfires and hurricanes. Though still in the planning stages, she’s determined to find ways to help communities and their pets during crises.

Join the Revolution: Building a Vibrant Innovation Ecosystem

Leilani’s journey is a testament to the power of resilience, creativity, and compassion in making a meaningful impact in the vet industry.  

Get to know Leilani Mustillo better by connecting with her on Linkedin or following Animal HealthLink’s progress on LinkedIn, Facebook, or Instagram.

Wondering how you, too, can become part of a vibrant community of innovators and change-makers? Explore one of our programs (Leilani is a Founder Lab alum!), and let’s continue to support and inspire each other on our entrepreneurial journeys!

Leilani Mustillo pitching Animal HealthLink at Movement51 Founder Lab Demo Day 2023

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